G.E.T. Worldwide Limited

G.E.T. Worldwide Limited
--G.E.T. Worldwide Limited--

Implemented By

OS Consulting Group Limited (5 reference(s))

OS Consulting Group Limited
+852 3527 0252

The Company

GET provides customized and comprehensive CNG business solutions to its customers (government bodies, industrial and refueling companies) that include innovative system design, key equipment manufacturing, technical support and management consultancy.

The Challenge

The company has been running for nearly two years and faced its first Accounting Audit in two months. Previously, no ERP or any IT system was implemented. The Client wants a quick implementation that could organize all the past documents like Sales Order, Purchase Order, Invoices, General Ledger and etc. Qualified accounting report like Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss and Stock Valuation are all required in order to pass the Audit Trial.

The Solution

The implementation was conducted in two Phases.

In Phase 1 (one month):

  • Data migration including products, partners, past accounting entries, chart of account and etc.
  • Set up accounting (both financial accounting and cost accounting)
  • Configure Sales, Purchase, Warehouse
  • Past transaction input
  • Staff training

In Phase 2 (one month):

  • Stock valuation
  • Import BOM to proceed with material consumption
  • Receiving goods and delivery order
  • Accounting adjustment
  • Staff training and bug fixing

The Result

The OpenERP successfully went live before the deadline of the Accounting Audit. The client finally submits the reports generated from OpenERP to the Annual Auditing Process and Passed Trial. GET has been using OpenERP for two years and OSCG has been providing support & maintenance service and  implemented project management and Cost Accounting (Analytic Accounting) after the first deployment.